Hazardous/Liquid Waste

dangerous waste types

Professional Hazardous Waste Removal in Perth

Controlled waste, also known as Hazardous waste, is waste that can be harmful to human health or the environment, including liquid waste, asbestos, tyres, or any waste that cannot be disposed of at a Class I, II or III landfill site.

We are currently licenced by the Department of Water and Environment to transport all Controlled Waste Categories. Whether it be the collection of a few drums or Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) of contaminated soil or multiple tanker loads.
We can handle low strength wash waters, industrial process liquids, hydrocarbon contaminated material right up to PFAS contaminated media.
  • We collect, treat and dispose
  • Fast reaction
  • We simplify the process and provide total compliance under our Integrated Management System
  • Responsible disposal of your hazardous waste
  • Draw on over 15 years’ experience of dealing with hazardous waste

West Bin are licensed by the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) to transport all packaged controlled waste within the following categories:

Plating and Heat Treatment
Inorganic Chemicals
Reactive Chemicals
Paints, Resins, Inks and Organic Sludges
Organic Solvents
Putrescrible and Organic Wastes
Industrial Wash Waters
Organic Chemicals
Soils and Sludge
Clinical and Pharmaceutical 

Controlled Waste Solutions from West Bin

Our controlled waste drivers undergo our internal training program to be able to transport controlled waste and provide accurate controlled waste tacking forms for your company.

Classification of controlled waste by a NATA certified laboratory is required prior to collection in order to determine the appropriate disposal arrangements (we can arrange this if necessary).

All of our controlled waste trucks are equipped with Spill Management Plans, Spill kits and fire extinguishers.

20+ Years of Experience in
Waste Management

Get in contact with us today to find out how we can help you with your waste management needs.